SmartD Technologies

SmartD Technologies produces the smallest, fastest, smartest variable frequency drive on the market: the Clean Power variable frequency drive.

Currently, the VFDs on the market simply do not make the cut as far as performance and value are concerned. Traditional drives produce a square signal that makes the motor break-down faster, creates harmonics distortion and eats up energy efficiency cost savings.

The end result of your purchase should be a single product instead of a cluttered panel of bulky protections and filters.

“There really hasn’t been any significant advances in VFD topology in low-voltage […] since 1987.”

The core design of a VFD is exactly what it was in the mid-80s: cost-efficient to produce, but unfriendly to motor insulation and bearings, resulting in energy loss and reduced motor lifespan.

Download the SmartD Clean Power Catalogue: SmartD_catEN_005.pdf